Tuesday, November 23, 2010

so fly

Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday, November 5, 2010



rare pics

 Jack Nicholson
 Yoko Ono, Andy Warhol, John Lennon (kinda weird :))
 John Travolta
 Stanley Kubrick
 Paul McCartney
 Marilyn Monroe, JFK
Sean Connery, Brigitte Bardot

LEGO tattoo


Anne Vyalitsyna

Thursday, November 4, 2010

i love nyc because..

13. There is always someone crazier than you. ALWAYS.
12. The epic feeling you get running to catch a train and succeeding...just before the doors close.
11. Bored to Death. 30 Rock. SNL. And a million other series and movies that film here and we love. RIP Law and Order.
10. Because it's not enough to just love New York. New York needs to love you back, too. Hey, we have high standards. - and, I got this one.
9. Whatever you need, whenever you need it, there is someone who will bring it to you for a price, which may or may not be negotiable. (Or legal.)

8. Restaurants are as common as single men and women. And equally diverse. And you never have to see either of them again after the initial awkward encounter.
7. How easy it is to find doughnuts, pizza, Chinese food, or any other snack your drunken self desires at 4 a.m. Or to continue to drink. Responsibly!
6. So many Missed Connections, so little time.
5. Jaywalking is an art form.
4. Subway "prewalking," in which you walk to the exact right spot on the platform to board the train car that will save you the most time upon exit, exists and has a name. Gotta respect. I LOVE DOING THIS.
3. Finding your "local" is that much better here.
2. There is absolutely no reason to ever drink and drive. Added bonus: Spontaneous, fascinating conversations with cab drivers.
1. If you can make it here, you really can make it anywhere. But why would you bother to go anywhere else?


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

iki yamyamin arasina kim atlar...

...tabiki de sabri atlar :)


Tuesday, November 2, 2010